Meet Tyler Littlejohns, just 16 and already a Champion Body Boarder. Tyler left The Roseland School last month after finishing his GCSE’s and is helping us keep our gardens at Lower Barns looking beautiful. We are very proud of our gardens. We all know how many lovely things there are to do in Cornwall in […]
I know us Cornish lot are always boasting about something but I’m sure you will agree that being able to have breakfast at Fifteen, Watergate Bay on the north coast, a picnic lunch on Bodmin Moor, in the middle of Cornwall, followed by a cream tea at Tresanton on the south coast is pretty good […]
From a child I have always loved the romance of wandering these lands in a gypsy caravan – the freedom of stopping in a layby, a forest or coastline, setting up camp with the fire crackling and the kettle whispering, foraging the land for food and just being content with little. It was not to […]
For nine years, sports therapist and masseuse, John Kelly, had a key role to play at one of Britain’s most successful football clubs. However, when the Arsenal squad started pre-season training in July 2013… John was almost 300 miles away, having decided that life was more important than working 100 hours a week. He said, […]
I know I go on about this a lot but it is only at this time of year, so I invite you to join my wild enthusiasm for the natural, wild abundance of our incredible hedgerows and all the life sustained. It seems to me that overnight the stems on fox gloves, cow parsley and […]
From the very beginning Lower Barns has been about the energy of love and the romance of food, drink, laughter, sunshine, colours, lush gardens, comfort, fragrance and slowing down time. Doing what we dream about. Making our visions real. Being idyllic and loving it. Growing, expanding, loving it and caring about ourselves, each other, the […]