The beauty of Cornwall in the summer
At this time of year I find the hedgerows amazing. The wild abundance of it all and all the life it contains and attracts and the noise of the bees and insects going about their business.
So often, my gaze follows just one plant, like cow parsley and then so suddenly there is a burst of colour and it’s fox gloves in front of me and everywhere. Of course, in Cornwall at this time of year, you really know it’s summer when the valerian is shooting up everywhere, not afraid of anything.
You don’t have to walk far through the lanes surrounded by these tall and beautiful hedgerows before you find a gateway to a field and some amazing views are revealed.
How lucky to be totally surrounded by all this. Whatever time of year Cornwall always looks beautiful.
A friend of mine, her Grandmother, Kathleen Hawke, was a Cornish Bard and dialectician, she wrote a poem about her love of Cornwall. It’s written in Cornish dialect, as spoken in Poldark.
Ower Dear Ole County Ow Cornwall
Ower dear ole county ow Cornwall
Es nearly surrounded by say
With the ansumest shades an’ colours
On aw beautiful zummery day.
Theers’ greens an’ blues an’ helios,
You never seed such aw sight
Watch out fur tha yallas, reds an’ golds
When tha sun goes down at night.
We abeen gawt no gate big mountains
‘Cus Brown Willie edn ole that high
But dawn’t ee try ta raich tha top
Onless ‘tez aw cloudless sky
Ower ‘adges in spring are aw joy ta see
With tha celandines golden hue
Theers’s masses an’ masses aw primroses
An’ shy lil’ vilets too
Nex’ comes aw ‘ost ow campions
As purty as can be
Mixed in with bluebells an’ stitchworts
‘Tez aw ‘ansum sight to see.
I know that many of our guests at Lower Barns arrive from the city, in need of rest and relaxation and it can be trying to be on country lanes where sat nav struggle to be reliable. It takes a surprisingly small amount of time for people to adjust, once they have arrived and enjoy what is on offer for free in this great county, that we are so proud of.
Maybe you would like to add a poem, a picture or a photo on our blog, to share thoughts and memories that you have about our Cornish landscape.
Many thanks and love
Janie x