Wreath making seasonal friendship and fun!
By mark on Advertising, days out Cornwall, Lower Barns, WeddingsIs there really anything better, ever, than getting together with the people you care about and then to do something new, fun and creative on top…and at the beginning of our wintery festive season? Our afternoon in Juliet Gould’s fabulous kitchen filled us up on seasonality, immense laughter, discovering skills we didn’t know we had […]

Our favourite Cornish Galleries
By mark on B&B, Cornwall, days out Cornwall, Lower Barns, UncategorizedCornwall is packed with people busy at their art and craft. It’s one of the things we are best known for. It would be impossible to list them all and the idea we have missed some beauties is unbearable. Towns and villages all over Cornwall have workshops you can visit as well as galleries and […]